Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lawn, lawn go away...

Just when we're starting to put those "tough economic times" behind us.  Now, it's the worst drought since...well...a long long time ago.  So, to paraphrase that old saying, when life gives you cactus...plant it.

We're the first to admit--we like our lawns.  Nothing says summer like walking barefoot on cool grass.  But, we're realists and this drought is severe.  And kudos to us, Monrovia, we've taken that to heart and are making real changes and saving water.  We can and will do more.  Check out the City's website for information and resources.  

Several months ago, our friends at MonroviaNow floated the idea of recognizing drought tolerant landscaping.  Great idea!  

Most of your Community Development staff spend a good deal of time "out in the field" doing site visits, inspections or just keeping up to date on what's going on out there.  We're happy to report--there's lots of good stuff, including xeriscaping (a fancy-shmancy word for landscaping that doesn't require much water).  

So here's our first feature in what we plan to be an on going series of examples throughout Monrovia.  Not only did the result turn out great, but the transformation is phenomenal.    If you're driving down the 800 block of Wildrose Avenue, take a look!