Seeing is Believing
No not those building blocks. Our building blocks are the General Plan Elements which are our foundation to Planning. But if there was ever the time for perseverance and resilience it is now, during the global pandemic. Although these times seem dire in the world, there is still plenty to celebrate. Seeing is believing, you say? Well, get on your feet! If you have not taken a walk around Monrovia recently you might be surprised to find some of the fruits of our labor.
The City is busy as ever and has made some changes to serve its residents and businesses. Today Monrovia businesses can operate outside with a TOBO permit. No, not Toto (though outdoor dining is pretty darn dog-friendly)! Residents can continue to eat and drink at their favorite restaurants with proper, socially distant outdoor dining. HUGE shout out (woot-woot!) to our Neighborhood and Business Services team for implementing and processing 32 TOBOs since July!
The Planning Division has also been busy as ever helping projects get approved. Maybe you’ve noticed… .
For example, have you noticed any small changes near the southern entrance to Old Town? I’ll give you a hint, it’s a just a small 6-story mixed use development, no big deal (just kidding… it’s actually a VERY big deal!). If you guessed the Avalon project then you are a winner!!! The Avalon project will contain 154 apartment units and 3,500 square feet of ground floor retail space.
And some are almost finished, such as this 4-unit condominium project at 1224 South Alta Vista Avenue.
And a few are just getting off the ground, like 525 South Shamrock Avenue, which will modify the old market into a small Auto Museum with two residential apartments on top. Or the old Frontier Building in Old Town. This large 4-story building is being renovated to include ground floor commercial tenant spaces with a self-storage facility on top for everyone to store all of the quarantine items you have purchased over the last half year!
So keep any eye out the next time you take an evening stroll around town and you too can believe by seeing that Monrovia is still going strong! And remember, we are in this together.