Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Planning Commission Update – November 2012

Typical for the end of the year, the number of applications slows down with the upcoming holidays.  Still, the two public hearings provided opportunity for thoughtful discussion among the Commissioners in their deliberations.  The Commission reviewed the following items at their November 14, 2012 meeting:

863 West Olive Avenue – Construct a new duplex behind an existing single family dwelling.  New development in the 700 – 900 block of West Olive Avenue can be a challenge.  While the zoning allows for multi-family development, many of the lots are only 48’ wide—that’s tough, but not impossible, as was proven by this applicant.  Over the past few months, City Staff worked with the applicant to develop a design and site plan that addressed both the requirements of the zoning (no variances) and will be an asset for the neighborhood.  The request was approved.

311 West Foothill Boulevard – Approve a conditional use permit for the service of alcoholic beverages and allow live entertainment in a new restaurant in the Aztec Hotel.  No matter what you think about the Aztec Hotel, you have to admit it is one of the most unique buildings in Monrovia and perhaps in Los Angeles County.  Personally, we love the building and are looking forward to its continued rehabilitation. 

A new Mexican restaurant is proposed in the location previously occupied by the Brass Elephant.  The Planning Commission concurred with the Staff recommendation to approve the conditional use permit (CUP) to allow the service of alcoholic beverages. 

The primary discussion focused on the live entertainment permit.  Based on previously voiced concerns of the neighborhood, the Development Review Committee (DRC) forwarded a recommendation of denial for entertainment at this time.  The Commission had a vigorous discussion on the merits and concerns of the requests.  In order to give the new owners the benefit of the doubt, the Commission continued the public hearing until the December meeting and directed Staff to bring back conditions of approval to allow entertainment on a very limited basis. 

Plan Monrovia - Additionally, Staff made a short presentation on the Plan Monrovia strategic planning process which is currently underway.