Thursday, September 21, 2017

Everything Old is New Again

You know, they say that time is like river... it's cold and wet and teeming with bacteria or something like that. But, we think that time is more like a circle. Things come in and fade out only to return again when it's least expected. This blog post is dedicated to the old becoming new again. We know, that seems like kind of a deep topic for our blog, it's amazing how a couple of overcast days have turned us into philosophers!

So, what has us thinking about time in metaphors? Why are we questioning the very nature of how we organize our lives? The answer is Pavilions. Yes, you read that right, Pavilions grocery store has got us thinking about life, the universe and everything. Why has a grocery store affected us in this way? Because Pavilions will soon be looking a little different. Actually, it will soon be looking like a Vons. We know, we know, we just got used to calling it Pavilions, too! 

So what does this change mean for grocery consumers? In a nutshell (which you can buy at Vons, by the way) you'll probably see some lower prices. All of the great products and customer service that you expect from your Monrovia store will still be there.

If you're a planner in Monrovia (so, you know, if you're one of about 6 1/2 people), you're probably wondering about the new sign design. We were thinking that they could save on their new signs by just removing the extra letters, like this:

    v   ons

Shockingly, they didn't particularly like our design idea and decided to go with this instead:

So, if you're driving down the street and notice something different about the grocery store, you haven't time traveled back to 1985 (if we could travel back to 1985, we'd buy some Apple stock) (apples are also available for purchase at Vons... but we were actually thinking about the company that makes iPhones), it's just the universe reminding you that time is cyclical and everything old can become new again!