Over the past seven days the Planning Commission has held
two meetings. The first was on Thursday, October 3 which was a special
meeting/study session. While all meetings are special, it’s called a
“special meeting” when it happens at a time that is not part of their regularly
scheduled meeting. In this case, the meeting was called to hold a study
session to provide the Commission and the public with an in-depth overview of
the regulations, purpose and process of the Housing Element. Check
a couple posts back for more information about the Housing Element.
The “regular” meeting was on Wednesday, October 9.
This agenda was fairly light with two public hearings. The Planning
Commission approved these two applications:
- A new four-unit Planned Unit Development for the property at 535 West Lemon Avenue. This request will go on to the City Council for their review next month.
- A second unit behind an existing house at 335 West Olive Avenue.